Fast And Effective Innovation Program

An Innovation Program That Builds Velocity
A fast and effective innovation sets a strategic direction, structures workflow, leverages on knowledge base and measures results. Organizations can build velocity through innovation program by boosting employee cooperation company-wide with cascading goals and centering around specific needs to realize its vision for the future.
Establish a strategic priority
“A mere 7% of employees today fully understand their company’s business goals and strategies and what’s expected of them in order to help achieve company business goals,” quoted by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton, “The Strategy-Focused Organization,” Harvard Business School Press, 2001.
Innovation program not only needs a strong leadership support, but more importantly aligns people across organizational boundaries towards achieving a compelling need for innovation that drives value for long term sustainability. It is only when the management shares the organization’s strategic objective in a tranparent manner and cascades it down the entire organization, innovation then becomes a shared responsibility of every employee.
Build rapid learning and validation cycles
Innovation program breaks down into short, fast cycles of learning and validation, drawing upon collective intelligence to uncover new discoveries and make better decisions. When people provide honest feedback on ideas and contribute to the organization’s knowledge base, that expands the possibilities of innovation. By leveraging on existing resources to build, test and validate ideas, people can make more informed recommendations to upper management about their ideas. Below is a validation cycle that shows how an idea evolves to improve the operation of a package delivery business.

Even incremental innovations and breakthroughs become much more possible to achieve by taking into account new and different perspectives, without re-inventing the wheel. Empower your talent human capital to create better solutions by participating in Thinkspace Innovation Program to get the best ideas to market faster!